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Julia Stolk

Mental health and well - being professionals committed to change- this exploration is for you!

The Work We do is Important. More than that, we are important. And yet so often we find ourselves scattered, burned out, and deficient in supporting our clients. The truth is… we have not been prepared to support our whole clients’ selves, because we have not known how to tap into the depths of ourselves. To truly serve our clients, as well as be rooted in our own well-being, we ourselves need to have an awareness about our own internal narratives and patterning, and how they are connected with our somatic bodies. Our culture (and training programs) habitually move from and connect with the mental realm—but what about the rest of us? We must know how to move from our entire selves, so that we can meet the entirety of our clients.

Over 8 months we’ll have the opportunity to get conscious of the old, patterned thoughts that have co-created our life and have created the nervous system dysregulation that most of us struggle with. We will learn how to consciously and intentionally rewire these thought patterns and nervous system habits, and discover what other possibilities exist as our nervous system learns how to sustainably stay in regulation. We will discover what it is to be somatically present. Our new healthy patterning will determine a new reality of living for ourselves, and for our clients.

The Details

In this Exploration you will learn how to tap into a field of abundance that is always here, that is always sustaining us, and that never runs out. But first, we will learn how to slow down. We cannot truly receive support, support others, or know and love ourselves until we experientially learn that we are safe to slow down. As we learn this, we will discover that slowing down is necessary in disrupting the violence and oppression within our own psyches, with our clients, as well as in this world.

This is transformational work, and you will have a community of practice to support you along the way. We will learn and grow and support each other. Included in our time together, we will:

  • Learn about the dominant oppressive narrative and how it influences our daily life, and what other narratives might be possible. Regardless of who we are—racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, classism, capitalism, environmental crises and so forth impact all of us, and impact all those we work with. We will cognitively and consciously somatically explore these territories together.

  • Learn how to do simple consensual inquiry (an inquiry that I developed) with oneself and others. This inquiry will also help you to slow down and connect with curious questions without agenda, even when you or your client is in crisis

  • Use practices that are rooted in vagus nerve/ nervous system health, which increase self-awareness, and pave the way for having a healthy nervous system and sustained access to our somatic awareness, so that we may remember another co-existing reality of abundance, compassion and well-being.

  • Actively engage in a transformative wisdom-based narrative that centers well-being.

  • Learn how to be present with oneself and others through a compassionate lens of allowance, without agenda, even while having challenging/uncomfortable sensations and fearful thoughts.

  • Learn how to engage in the transformative art of changing the orientation of our attention.

  • Learn that it is safe to connect to other human beings through our community of practice.

  • Learn how to be empowered, conscious and active change agents with our families, friends, and in the world.

  • So much more!

The Investment

You will be supported throughout our eight months together via:

  • 16 (60-90 minute) private 1:1 sessions which will model the transformative power of Presence, Compassion and Curiosity. (Two per month, one with Lisa, and one with Julia

  • Personal email and text exchanges with us will provide personal support as needed.

  • 13 or more group live gatherings (all group calls will be recorded, which will be yours to review as resonates) ranging from 60 to 120 minutes. First gathering will be February 20th, 2022, and last gathering will be the end of Sept/beginning of October 2022.

  • Support staff and guest teachers, many of whom are ReMember Institute master teachers, to augment your learning and practicing.

  • Book, audio, and video selections which center transformative voices. We will study them together to enhance our deepening.

  • A social media platform off of Facebook with which to connect with your peers and engage in your practices.

The intimacy in both the 1:1 and group exchanges make this a comprehensive Exploration, utilizing neuropathic and nervous system re-learning. We meet frequently and consistently, using a variety of learning approaches and practices to support your evolution. A sliding scale option is utilized based on what you can afford: $3,500- $4,500. Those who pay the full rate will allow us to fund scholarships. A $500 deposit is required. Payment arrangements can be set up. To facilitate exponential growth and learning, this Exploration will be limited to 20 participants.

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